University accepts all qualified students to join faculties according to their desires and according to their scores in national or Equivalent secondary school exam.

University applies the rules and decisions of the Supreme Council of Private Universities concerning the new and transferred students.

First: New Students

Students with a high school certificate or equivalent one is considered new students and should supply the following documents:

- Full application form (Electronically)

- For foreign certificates: supplying the original certification certified from the Egyptian embassy or the Egyptian ministry of foreign Affairs.

- Six new personal photographs.

- Certificate of birth or official extract (Computer one).

- For Arab students: must certify the qualification or supply the original passport

- Egyptian male students should apply “2 Gond form from the recruitment region”.

- Egyptian male students, who are over 19 years old, apply “6 Gond forms from a police station that follows his residence”.

- Students who have not exceed 22 years old on 1st of September in the same year of application, should presents their military status.

- Non-Egyptian students should apply a copy of the ID (passport).

Second: Transferred Students

Students who have studied at any University or Institution are considered a transferred student and should apply the previous documents besides the following:

- Transcript that shows the previous college syllabus, degrees, and grades.

- Students transferred from private universities should apply the transcript with the university seal.

- Students transferred from Higher Institutions should apply the transcript sealed with republic logo from the ministry in embassies quarter, Nasser city.

- Students Transferred from abroad learned should certify the report from the Egyptian Embassy.

- Detailed course specification for every passed syllabus certified from the university or Institution. This description is required for making scientific equivalent to equalize materials according to university followed rules with a maximum (70%) of hours required for graduation.